Over the weekend of June 23rd and 24th we took my Niece and Nephew (Lilly and Obert) for the weekend. On Saturday we took them to the Great Escape and spoiled them rotten. We started off with taking them on rides and then at lunch time we took them for a surprise, Lunch with Bugs. On Sunday we went to see Shrek III and bought Lilly a nightshirt and Robert shoes.
It was a great pick me up to do this with them after being so depressed during our vacation (thinking about our adoption). We got to see the joy on their faces as we did things with them as if they were our own children, of course we had to deal with the bad stuff also when they got over-tired but that can be expected. The biggest issue was trying to get Robert to eat anything, but with effort he ate at every meal.
If I can make it through 2 days with these two I can handle anything....